Since every decent forum seems to have them, this forum cannot stay behind: I am talking about ranks.
The ranks on this forum are as follows:
0 - 4 posts
5 - 25 posts
Waardevol lid
'Valuable' member
25 - 99 posts
Super member
100 posts and up
I realize the rank titles are not very original. If you can think of a nicer title, do drop me a pm.
Other titles:
Vraagbaak --> 28 January 2009: abolished (now: 'moedertaalspreker/native speaker')
A helpdesk or 'anwer-person'. This is a (near) native Dutch speaker who helps you with your Dutch, corrects your Dutch phrases, or makes you work hard by letting you solve Dutch puzzles or translate phrases from English (or any other language) to Dutch. I cannot think of a good translation for 'vraagbaak' - anyone?
[Edit on June 13, 2008] A few nice translations for 'vraagbaak' offered by Twedekin (see post below) are "fountain of knowledge", "beacon of light", and "friendly Dutch uncle/aunt". [/edit]
Deskundige --> 28 January 2009: abolished
A Dutch teacher or linguist. This person has made the Dutch language his or her profession and can generally be trusted for giving good advice.
Someone who is in charge of one or more forums. He or she keeps an eye on the forum and can edit, delete, close, (re)open, move, and split topics and posts. The moderator makes sure the posts are decent and on-topic.
Editors and translators
These are actually not forum titles as they apply to the non-forum sections of Editors and translators work on the grammar pages by translating and proofreading them. It is because of these people that the grammar chapters are (partly) available in all these different languages.
- LaPingvino
- Waardevol lid
- Posts: 79
- Joined: Sun Sep 04, 2005 1:11 pm
- Bieneke
- Site Administrator
- Posts: 2001
- Joined: Wed Aug 10, 2005 11:18 pm
- Country of residence: Netherlands
- Mother tongue: Dutch (Netherlands)
- Second language: English
- Gender: Female
- Location: Maastricht
Vertaling vraagbaak
Tom wrote:Since I cannot post to announcements, I thought I would send you my
translation of a vraagbaak.
It refers to a person full of trivia and knowledge.
You can translate it to:
Walking Encyclopedia
(In fact there was an old Shell Oil commercial which had the character
"The Shell Answer-man" who answered questions about Shell gasoline.)
This may give you an idea of my age (upper 40's))
A helpdesk is not a person. Your other listed titles refer to people.
- LaPingvino
- Waardevol lid
- Posts: 79
- Joined: Sun Sep 04, 2005 1:11 pm
Re: "Ranks"
100 is too litlle.. i think should be another category, a higher one, like 1000 post!
just an idea! =)
just an idea! =)
- kwalijkje
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- Gender: Male
- Location: Amsterdam
It seems a bit impersonal calling someone 'help-desk', no? Especially since the vraagbaken here are much nicer than the people who get paid at help-desks.LaPingvino wrote:English for "vraagbaak" is helpdesk...
Re: "Ranks"
Agreed. And unlike helpdesk personnel, de vraagbaken actually help. ;-)
One of my various woordenboeken at some stage gave me the translation of vraagbaak as 'oracle' or even better 'walking encyclopedia', which I think captures the essence of de vraagbaken onder ons.
Oh, Bieneke's already quoted something similar... never mind.
The word 'know-all' in English often carries a negative implication, someone who makes damn sure everybody else knows how smart they are.
One of my various woordenboeken at some stage gave me the translation of vraagbaak as 'oracle' or even better 'walking encyclopedia', which I think captures the essence of de vraagbaken onder ons.
Oh, Bieneke's already quoted something similar... never mind.
The word 'know-all' in English often carries a negative implication, someone who makes damn sure everybody else knows how smart they are.
- Superlid
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- Gender: Male
Re: "Ranks"
My first loud laugh at this forum! Well done >:)Sullivan wrote:Agreed. And unlike helpdesk personnel, de vraagbaken actually help.
- EetSmakelijk
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- Location: Canada
Re: "Ranks"
I do agree that the vraagbaken are helpful but I don't agree that people at helpdesks are always unhelpful.
I've had more than one time when people were most helpful at a helpdesk.
I do like the term walking encyclopedia though.
I suppose "walking treasure troves full of information about Dutch" is too long?

I do like the term walking encyclopedia though.

I suppose "walking treasure troves full of information about Dutch" is too long?

ES, S'je, Saartje, of EetSmakelijk

Mijn Esnips account is:

Mijn Esnips account is:
- Twedekin
- Waardevol lid
- Posts: 50
- Joined: Fri Apr 25, 2008 8:29 pm
- Country of residence: United Kingdom
- Mother tongue: English (Great Britain)
Re: "Ranks"
Another couple of suggestions: fountain of knowledge or beacon of light. baak=beacon, no?Since I cannot post to announcements, I thought I would send you my
translation of a vraagbaak.
You can translate it to:
Walking Encyclopedia
Here it's a bit of a stretch but you could also have :agony aunt, agony uncle. So why not "Friendly Dutch aunt/uncle."?